London Veteran Memorial Banners Program

To nominate an eligible Veteran to be honoured on one of London’s Memorial Banners, you are required to complete this form, make payment, and provide a suitable picture of the honoured Veteran.

Picture of Honour Veteran

Please email the preferred picture of your Veteran to
You own or have permission to use this picture – and – grant permission for this picture to be used by the Royal Canadian Legion for the purpose of this program.


You may make payment in one of two ways:

1. A member of the Committee will contact you to make arrangements for the one-time $250 sponsorship payment.

Click for payment

2. Please note that the program committee reserves the right to accept or reject any Veteran that is nominated for the London Veterans Memorial Banners program. If a nomination is rejected, you will be provided with the reason for the rejection and refunded your sponsorship fee of $250.

London Veterans Memorial Banners Committee
Is a sub-committee of
London Remembrance Day Steering Committee

Lest we Forget